Saturday, May 23, 2015

MS in Australian and the PR system

US Programs - TA RA guaranteed in 2nd year - job as per talent after that

Most of students in US get RA / RA for 2nd year and hence pay for only one year. Although we can be ready to pay for 2nd year.
There are cheap university where one can do the entire MS in 2 years at 35k USD, which is 15-20 lacks, which isn't a big money in US.
Although MBA is expensive and hceap MBA doesnt help as MBA = networking.


As a study option, the most hostile country is Australia but they allow things which no other country allows.

No need for GRE but there is no tuition waiver in AUS
You don't need to give GRE for going to Aus, you just need IELTS. As expected it a country of Chinese (they vote in UN against India in favor of Pakistan and China) and has dumb people and has v less population. The best talent is already absorbed by USA, followed by Canada, UK, Europe.

Canada vs Australia
Canada also gives the same opportunity to work off campus and they are more friendly than Aus. But Canada requires GRE. Like US give waiver to 80% students in low ranked univ, canada and aus dont waive fee.

Earn a lot during studies in AUS
20 hours of off campus work means you can be paid from 10$ to 50$ / hour legally if you are in the big city. For example if I got MS CS in Sydney - I can work 20 hours for 50 Dollar per hour or 20*4*50=4k USD per month.  4k salary is given by US for full time for dumb people.
Hence from the first month I can do high salary in Australia or Canada once I reach there.

Why AUS and CA are calling people there?
They are loosing on demographics.
Australia and Canada wants good people so that their companies can compete to US which is the leader in everything. The best tech is programming which takes one to these places. Finance is not a good idea on these countries as it is non technical.

Israel as compared to other options
Israel is Jewish based state - so everything is for the Jews
As compares to this option - Israel bar students for working during studies which is a very bad thing, but Israeli love Indians and they are very generous post MBA and can give high paying positions to Indian workers.

Cost in AU
Australian University for cheap program can cost like 35 AUD for 1.5 or 2 years but you can earn at-least 2-3k per month leading to 24 to 36k per year if you are skilled and have MSc or certifications.

List of programs:

PG Diploma in IT 11 lack program and MS CS costs around 25 lack but it isnt so bad.


Flounders - a new University
25k I guess

Bond university only MS fionance which is 52k
This is very low ranked Univ.

PG Diploma 35k
23k course PG Diploima in IT UTS costs 30k I guess

UNSW PG diplima CS
25-30k I guess

By Reddy:

cheap 30k mba

Jobs search part time in sydney:

(from Andriod)

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